Sometimes conditions are used to add classes to a tag. djLint removes whitespace inside conditional statements.
This pattern is recommended:
<div class="class1 {% if condition -%}class2{%- endif %}">content</div>
^ space here
This pattern is not recommended:
<div class="class1{% if condition -%} class2{%- endif %}">content</div>
^ space here
and Spaceless Conditional AttributesIf format_attribute_template_tags
option is enabled, conditional attributes should use spaceless tags, for example {% if a -%}
in nunjuck and jinja, to remove spaces inside the.
djLint will format long attributes onto multiple lines, and the whitespace saved inside of attributes could break your code.
This pattern is recommended:
value="{% if database -%}{{ }}{%- else -%}blah{%- endif %}"
^ ^ ^ ^ -- spaceless
This pattern is not recommended:
<input value="{% if database %}{{ }}{% else %}blah{% endif %}" />
After formatting this could look like:
value="{% if database %}
{{ }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"