There are several editor integrations build for djLint.
∞ Pre-Commit
djLint can be used as a pre-commit hook as both a linter and a formatter.
The repo provides multiple pre-configured hooks for specific djLint profiles (it just pre-sets the --profile
argument and tells pre-commit which file extensions to look for):
for linting and djlint-reformat
for formatting
This will look for files matching templates/**.html
without setting --profile
and djlint-reformat-django
This will look for files matching templates/**.html
and set --profile=django
and djlint-reformat-jinja
This will look for files matching *.j2
or *.jinja2
and set --profile=jinja
and djlint-reformat-nunjucks
This will look for files matching *.njk
and set --profile=nunjucks
and djlint-reformat-handlebars
This will look for files matching *.hbs
and set --profile=handlebars
and djlint-reformat-golang
This will look for files matching *.tmpl
and set --profile=golang
Note that these predefined hooks are sometimes too conservative in the inputs they accept (your templates may be using a different extension) so pre-commit explicitly allows you to override any of these pre-defined options. See the pre-commit docs for additional configuration
∞ Default Django example
- repo:
rev: v1.36.4
- id: djlint-reformat-django
- id: djlint-django
∞ Handlebars with .html extension instead of .hbs
- repo:
rev: v1.36.4
- id: djlint-reformat-handlebars
files: "\\.html"
types_or: ["html"]
- id: djlint-handlebars
files: "\\.html"
types_or: ["html"]
You can use the files
or exclude
parameters to constrain each hook to its own directory, allowing you to support multiple template languages within the same repo.
∞ SublimeText Linter
djLint can be used as a SublimeText Linter plugin. It can be installed via package-control.
cmd + shift + p
- Install SublimeLinter
- Install SublimeLinter-contrib-djlint
Ensure djLint is installed in your global python, or on your PATH
∞ Visual Studio Code
∞ neovim
djLint can be used as linter and formatter in neovim.
Using none-ls
Using coc.nvim
∞ MegaLinter
djlint is natively embedded within the 100+ linters of MegaLinter
To install it, just run npx mega-linter-runner --install
and follow instructions
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Updated Aug 29, 2024